Vascu Derm Clinic is the only specialized center for dermatology laser treatment in Egypt and the Middle East.
Vascu Derm Clinic provides vascular laser treatment using the most advanced aesthetic device in the world; the CANDELA V-BEAM PRIMA device.
We at Vascu Derm Clinic are a group of highly qualified dermatologists, plastic surgeons.
The CANDELA V-BEAM PRIMA device is a pulsed dye laser (PDL) with a wavelength of 595 nm (nanometers). (The newest Vbeam Prima device offers two treatment wavelengths, 595 nm and 1064 nm, and is slowly being rolled out throughout the U.S.) It treats skincare concerns related to blood vessels (like my rosacea and broken capillaries), and also acne, pigmented scars, pigmented lesions and wrinkles, and photo aging. (In fact, it’s so safe and effective it can even be used on children to treat port wine stains.)
علاج الوحمات الدموية بالأطفال Port wine stains
– علاج أورام الجلد الدموية Haemangiomas
– علاج حمرة الوجه المزمنة Rosacea
– علاج ندبات وآثار الحروق Hypertrophic scars & Keloids
– علاج حب الشباب النشط Inflammatory acne
– (علاج التفتحات الجلدية (سترتش ماركس Stretch Marks
– علاج أوردة الوجه والقدمين الظاهرة Telangiectasia & Leg veins
– علاج السنط و عين السمكة بدون ألم Warts & Verrucae
– علاج التهابات الأظافر نهائيا Onychomychosis
– الوقاية من ظهور الندبات الجراحية بعد الجراحة مباشرة Early Scar prevention
– علاج دوالي الساقين نهائيا Varicose Veins sclerotherapy